The Logo

The Cameron Connor Foundation logo was designed by Connor Button who runs Button Patches & Designs. The Belted Kingfisher bird is an apt symbol to represent Cameron and the Foundation.

Belted Kingfishers are described as “… large headed birds with a shaggy crest. They spend much of their time perched alone along the edges of streams, lakes, and estuaries, searching for small fish.”

If you were ever looking for Cameron and there was water nearby, that would be the first place you would look.

Cameron in a play as a young boy


While the foundation is not connected to a specific church, faith is embedded in everything that we do. We have leaned on faith, family, and friends throughout our lives, but particularly since January 21, 2024. God has given us strength to not just continue living, but to turn tragedy into something positive. We pray that all works done in Cameron’s name will also glorify God and to make our earthly home a better place for all.

Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven. Matthew 5:16

Cameron holding a flounder
  • Male Belted Kingfishers do not have the rust colored belt on their chest. Females do, as well as some juveniles.

  • When Cameron first started at St. John’s Christian School in Moncks Corner, the song “10,000 Reasons” by Matt Redmond was one of the first songs he learned. One evening I could hear him belting out the chorus to the song in the tub and I recorded it. It’s a very fond memory of his younger years and the song always reminds us of Cameron.

  • That is an interesting story, best understood by the original Facebook post by Laurie Branch Milligan who attended Cameron’s service…

    Be A Cameron

    I had no intention of attending a funeral today for a thirteen year old young boy. And yet, sometimes God places us right where we need to be.

    I was supposed to deliver some food and go home. Since the death of my husband, over ten years ago, I try to stay clear of funerals. The emotions can be overwhelming.

    And yet, today, God placed me right where I needed to be. The sermon was for me. The young people and the adults that spoke, they spoke to me. The music was God given talented people sharing their love of music, spoke to me.

    I never had the privilege of knowing this young boy, but after today, I was truly inspired by his life and how he lived it.

    A thirteen year old had it right. He loved God, he loved family, he loved life, and he danced to his own beat of a drum. Wow!!

    We can all learn from his life. We get our priorities mixed up. We get caught up in the little things and waste time on things that aren’t important.

    Matthew 22:37-40

    Jesus replied,”You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind. This is the first and the greatest commandment. A second is equally important: “Love your neighbor as yourself.”

    This precious child did this and more. He didn’t worry about what others might say, he just did what he thought was right. He lived more life in thirteen years than many of us have lived in fifty years.

    Ephesians 5:15

    Be very careful how you live——not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity.

    Our days are numbered. What will we do with them. Can others see Jesus by our life? Do we love our neighbor as ourselves? Does our family know they matter? Do people enjoy being with us because we laugh and have fun?

    All of these things mattered to a young boy named Cameron. Our world needs more Cameron’s. Our world needs Jesus. May we all decide to live life to its fullest and make an impact in the world like Cameron did.

    Dear God,

    Our hearts are heavy and hurting. We hurt for the family and friends that will endure a huge void. Comfort them and give them a peace. Carry them as this grief journey is just beginning. Let them feel your presence. Help us to heed what we have learned from Cameron and make an impact in the world.


    May we all be Cameron’s

  • Cameron often wore mismatched socks, not on purpose, but because he simply did not care whether they matched. It was a carefree approach that he took with most things that might be considered superficial. He truly did things his own way.

    Marshall now wears mismatched socks to honor Cameron, but in order to truly do things his own way, he makes sure they are thematically paired.

