
The Cameron Connor Foundation is a Christ-centered organization that aims to promote a love for all things outdoors, fishing and hunting, baseball, football, and cooking, among young people in the Lowcountry of South Carolina.


Fostering a love of the outdoors, athletics and cooking in youth.

Our why

When Cameron Wagers Connor tragically passed due to a hunting accident on January 21, 2024, our world was shattered. However, while we put the pieces back together, we found ourselves reflecting on what made Cameron such a unique young man and how his exposure to so many things allowed him to find his loves in life.

From an early age Cameron showed a profound interest in wildlife, hunting, fishing, and outdoor activities of all sorts. He also loved playing baseball and football with his friends and cooking with his parents and grandparents. Cameron knew what his passions were, and if you knew him, you knew those passions as well.

As an avid outdoorsman, someone once said that “Cameron could catch a fish in a dry ditch.” This was very true and if there was water nearby, you could be sure to find him there harassing aquatic creatures big and small. He could name virtually any feathered, finned, or furred creature you might find in your backyard, at the zoo, or on a safari in the Kalahari Desert. His knowledge of animals often amazed his teachers, each of whom would inevitably tell us at some point in the year “He knows things about animals I have never even heard of.”

Cameron also loved to play baseball, and eventually football, almost as much as he loved the outdoors (almost). Some of the moments he was proudest of included a game winning hit to send the all-star team to the state championship and the time he returned a blocked punt for a touchdown in JV. The funniest part was how nonchalant he was after both moments, while everyone else exploded with excitement!

Cameron’s life, while short, was filled with joy. He poured himself into the things that he loved, whether that was fishing, wandering the woods, hanging out with his family, or whipping up some creation in the kitchen. He did things his own way and we loved him just the way he was.

We encourage everyone to find their joy, march to the beat of their own drum, and to embrace those that you love.


Picture of Cameron from around age 10

The Cameron Connor Foundation is a 501(c)(3), registered with the Secretary of State in South Carolina and approved for 501(c)(3) status with the US IRS.

For more information about the foundation, please complete the request of information form and request specific items.

When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, “Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch.”

Simon answered, “Master, we’ve worked hard all night and haven’t caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets.”

When they had done so, they caught such a large number of fish that their nets began to break.
— Luke 5: 4-6

SYmbolism and Faith

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